Prosthodontics is the branch of dentistry dedicated to the aesthetic restoration and replacement of teeth. Our skilled dentists have received extensive training in reconstructive dentistry and can help you restore both form and function to your teeth. From one-tooth restorations to full mouth reconstruction, our team at Oelbaum & Kagan Dentistry will utilize the most effective dental techniques based on your specific needs. Through precise treatment and customized care, we can improve the appearance of your existing teeth, replace missing teeth, and even provide you with a full mouth reconstruction to help you achieve oral health.
Oral rehabilitation may be necessary if you have missing teeth, have a number of chips, cracks, or damaged teeth, or if you are simply not satisfied with the appearance of your smile or the function of your teeth. At our practice, oral rehabilitation can include one or more cosmetic and advanced dentistry techniques based on your needs. Some common oral rehabilitation procedures that we offer include:
By employing one or more of our advanced Prosthodontic techniques, our skilled dentists can help you achieve the smile you desire with beautiful, natural-looking results.
For more information on Prosthodontics, or to schedule a private consultation, please contact Oelbaum & Kagan Dentistry today. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to answer any of your questions and assist you in any way we can.